麻坡启智合唱团2007年活动简介 |
1) | 3月24日主催"好歌共赏(2)"合唱交流会.受邀的队伍有新加坡海峡/文礼 |
| 合唱团,峇株惠安公会合唱团,乐龄公民俱乐部合唱团,华仁中学校友会合唱团, |
| 沙登校友会合唱团及中化校友会合唱团, 反应非常热烈. |
2) | 7月22日受邀参加由隆雪华堂合唱团主办的合唱交流会. |
3) | 7月28日办一场由日本女高音毛利绘美及山本史郎的演唱会. |
4) | 12月08日办了"好歌共赏(3)"合唱交流会.出席的合唱团有新加坡颐年中心, |
| 吉隆坡南大校友会以及凯歌协会。这是2007年办的第二场交流会。 |
5) | 12月29日参加由新山歌乐协会主办 2007年第14届新山歌乐节南马区 |
| (柔,甲,森)合唱公开赛.我团荣获优胜奖.这是我团第一次参加比赛. |
1. 24TH March 2nd Choral Exchange was held in the Chee Tze Hall. Guest choirs include Straits/Boon Lay Choirs from Singapore, Hui Ann Choir, Senior Citizens’ Choir and Chinese High School Choir from Batu Pahat, Serdang Old Boys Choir from KL and Chung Hwa Old Boys Choir from Muar. The musical evening was a resounding success prompting the organization of the 3rd Choral Exchange at the end of the year.
2. 22nd July Participated in a choir concert in KL organized by the Selangor Chinese Association.
3. 28th July Hosted a recital by Japanese Soprano Emi Mori, which was well-received.
4. 8th December 3rd Choral Exchange was held in response to a number choirs who were not able to be accommodated in the previous event. The invited guests include Yi Nian Choir from Singapore, Nantah Old Boys Choir from Kuala Lumpur and Viva Choir from Muar.
5. 29th December Took part in JB Song Festival Southern Region(Johor, Malacca ,N Sembilan) Open Choir Competition and emerged with a consolation prize. This is the maiden competition for the Chee Tze Choir.